
The Amb-OS signal is delivered on the same satellite and same transponder as the classic CRC DVB signal which feeds Christian radio stations on the Unity 4000 and XDS units. Consequently, installation involves simply "splitting" the "L-Band" feed (the coaxial cable) coming from the satellite dish, sending one feed into the AMR-100 and the other back into the Unity 4000. Ethernet, audio and relay connections are also simple to install.

Current Unity 4000 Wiring

Wiring of AMR-100 and Unity 4000

Among the Advantages


Reliable, guaranteed delivery with the ability of the receiver to "report home" via an Internet connection.

High audio quality which avoids several encoding/decoding steps. As a result, the stored file will be much more HD Radio friendly.

Addressability ensures you'll get ONLY the program you should receive. Last minute changes and in-state programs need no local intervention.

Program producers can customize a program for your station, every day. They'll have the ability to mention the call letters of your station, rather than depending on a local announcer to do so.

A dedicated computer tasked with recording scheduled feeds is no longer needed. Your programs will automatically appear on your local network, ready to be played.

The AMR-100 can communicate through relay closures to and from your automation system.