How It Works
Amb-OS is controlled by redundant servers at our satellite head end located in North Carolina and parallel redundant servers located in California. Each AMR-100 obtains programs via satellite or the Internet or both. As the unit captures the file, it's stored on the receiver. Should there be any interruption in program delivery (power outage, satellite interruption, etc.), the AMR-100 will back fill missing data or back load an entire broadcast file. Over 15,000 hours of content are delivered each month on Amb-OS.
Since the system is addressable, only broadcasts "permissioned" for the station use appear as files on the AMR-100. The files can be "pushed" or "pulled" over a local area network connection (Ethernet) to a station's automation system.
The power of the AMR-100 allows it to also play back files on a schedule managed by our User Interface (UI). In this way, a station could use the AMR-100 as a slave to an automation equipment (triggered by time or a relay) or as a backup playback device.
The AMR-100 is also capable of "streaming through" live programs via its audio ports. Over 100 hours of live content are delivered each month in addition to special broadcasts such as the Harvest Crusades with Greg Laurie.
Because the receiver can operate in satellite-, Internet- or hybrid- (satellite and Internet) mode, the AMR-100 has deployed internationally.