“Wisdom for the New Year,” A Billy Graham Radio Special for New Years, Available on Amb-OS starting December 21!

The new Billy Graham Radio Special, Wisdom for the New Year challenges your listeners to make the most of the time God gives them in 2024.

This 26:30 program features Billy Graham’s message, “The Brevity of Time,” and encourages us to “number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom” (Psalm 90:12, NIV).

NOTE: The program and promo will be dated for Saturday, December 30 but will be sent to all subscribed receivers ten (10) days in advance and can be used anytime between December 21 through the January 7. You MUST request permission below to receive the audio files.

To request permission to air Wisdom for the New Year visit our permissions portal at https://www.amb-os.com/permissions and choose the following programs:

BGEA Billy Graham Radio Special + Promo 

If you decide to air the special, please email Ashley Thompson at althompson@bgea.org and let her know the date and time.


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