Hope for the Heart offers Hope Minute via Amb-OS starting September 1
Each weekday on her two radio programs, Hope for the Heart and Hope in the Night, June Hunt shares biblical hope and practical help for the real-life problems that we all face. Now, Hope for the Heart Ministries is happy to announce the creation of a new Monday-Sunday feature called Hope Minute.
Each Hope Minute is an encouraging thought or insight, based on a biblical principal that points the listener to Jesus Christ. The purpose of this new feature is to teach listeners that Christ's loving kindness can overcome all of life's burdens. June Hunt and other ministry speakers will give loving answers and meaningful advice on how your audience can overcome fear, anger, loneliness and disappointment.
To request permission to receive Hope Minute via the Amb-OS receiver, please log in with your station’s credentials to the Amb-OS permissions portal at www.amb-os.com/permissions. The programs will be listed as:
HFTH – Hope Minute - (HFTH_HMN7, Monday-Sunday, 1:00)
For information on broadcast placement of Hope Minute, Hope for the Heartor Hope in the Night, please contact Phyllis Cauthen at 972-212-9120 or pcauthen@hopefortheheart.org.