Keys for Kids Programming Alert!

Keys for Kids’ Parent Minute Debuts on Amb-OS, January 4On January 4, Keys for Kids Ministries will premiere the new Keys for Kids’ Parent Minute. This one-minute daily feature is hosted by Greg Yoder, the executive director of Keys for Kids Ministries. Amidst a vast sea of parenting experts, Greg is a real parent who’s had successes and failures raising kids. While he’s not an expert, Greg shares the good and the bad about raising his own four kids–three of which are now adults. He’s a real parent and grandparent, talking to real parents and grandparents about real issues facing kids and their families today–iron sharpening iron from a biblical worldview.To request permission to air Keys for Kids’ Parent Minute, visit our permissions portal at and choose the desired program file:Keys for Keys Parent Minute (Daily 1-minute) - KFKM _ PTM5Keys for Kids’ 1-minute Daily Feature starting on January 4The current Keys for Kids' 4:30 feature will be reformatted to a :60 second feature starting on January 4.  The program code remains the same, KFKM_KFK6.  Please note the change prior to January 4.Both of these program will be available to station with customized  local station liners.For more information or to carry any of the Keys for Kids Programming, please contact: Dylan Kraayenbrink at or 616-647-4500.

Previous Daily and Weekend Broadcast Discontinued Eff. 12/31/15


WITW 12-18-15 Program Updated/ Replaced