Compassion International's Step Into My Shoes - Beginning on Amb-OS, September 1.

For over 10 years Speak Up with Compassion has helped your listeners learn that there are many sides to extreme poverty and every child has a story to tell.At the end of August, Compassion will replace Speak Up with a new, weekly 60 second feature called Step Into My Shoes. Besides providing your listeners with a valuable and timely message, as Speak Up has this past decade, Step Into My Shoes will also give listeners access to resources that they can use in their own homes and groups and create a closer connection with you and your on-air teams. Step Into My Shoes highlights:

  • A fully produced weekly feature
  • Tested content that connects with mom’s raising kids
  • Significant and thoroughly researched resources that moms can relate to
  • Easy to access web-based resources which encourage them to see the world through God’s eyes.

To request permission to air Step Into My Shoes, visit our permissions portal at and choose the desired program file(s): Step Into My Shoes (Weekly 1:00) - COMX_SMS1_##-##-##_01-01.MP2.For more information on Step Into My Shoes, please contact Lee Geysbeek at


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Truth Itself — Beginning on Amb-OS, August 24, 2015