Speak Up With Compassion Ending Production; New Weekly Compassion 1:00 Feature

Speak Up with Compassion is ceasing production. The last broadcast day will be Friday, August 28, 2015. However, Compassion International is offering a new weekly 1:00 feature called "Step Into My Shoes." The new file template is: COMX_SMS1_##-##-##_01-01.MP2. You will need to request permission for this feature and can do so through our permissions portal: http://www.amb-os.com/permissions.Any questions, please contact Lee Geysbeek at: LGeysbeek@us.ci.org. (Stepintomyshoes.org/radio)


ODBM_SSL1 Program Replaced for 8/8


FOTF_BND1 8/1 replaced