Overnight 8/7-8/8 UI issue

Apologies to stations who transfer Moody Presents from MBN via an XDS receiver!  Other MBN programs were not affected nor were Amb-OS programs.  Overnight, an issue in the UI code with this weekend's program MP-2014-08-09.MP2 caused the UI to stall and/or interrupt transfers.The issue has been fixed in UI revision 019f..to update to this latest revision, under the UI's "support" tab, click "Update UI", pick 019f at the top of the list.  If your UI is unresponsive, stop, then re-start it, and click the "Edit queue" button, upper left corner, right away.. that should give you a chance to update before the queue starts.You can also do a web install of 019f from http://www.amb-os.com/ui .. 


RZIM_LPP1 8/9 re-sent
