UI 019 and firmware 2.28

now that you have FW 2.28 on your amb-os receiver, your new UI (rev 019) will show the program runtimes to the milli-second in the Files/transfers window. however, many programs still have runtimes rounded to the second. so when you see .000 it may just be from the rounding.for several days, we have been re-calculating runtimes for files uploaded to the servers to take advantage of the msec display, but files that were already on the server will still be rounded to the second.we hope this will be an accurate way for you to examine runtimes to see if they are within your tolerances. we are also checking the incoming files to see that they are within tolerance (but this tolerance may vary from program to program).dave allen


WMAG_TWE5_06-26-14 sent late


Firmware update sent 6/25/2014