OneCry daily feature begins in September

New to Amb-OS beginning on 9/2/13 is LAMX_ONE5, a daily one minute short feature from OneCry.  OneCry is a movement of believers who are urgently crying out to God to revive the church and transform the culture.It isn't an organization, program, or event. It's a movement of like-minded people, churches, and organizations who agree that our nation needs a dramatic turnaround—but not the kind that comes from different politics, more education, or a better economy. Instead, it's a cry to God for spiritual transformation of our hearts, homes, and communities. We believe that extraordinary things will happen as we turn from sin and seek God together!To determine if your station has been pre-permissioned you can check "show approved programs" under "Tools" of your User Interface (UI) software or log on to your AMR's area of our permission portal.  You may also request this program series as well as many other Amb-OS programs using the portal.  Here's a link to our "What's New" web page which gives further details about, and a link to the portal:


Marriage Builders Radio available via Amb-OS


Renewing Your Mind Minute to Launch on Amb-OS September 2nd