Treasured Moments In Black History on Amb-OS in February

Once again this year we're happy to partner with Moody Radio in making available on Amb-OS this excellent series of daily features during the month of February.  The Amb-OS file name will remain as last year, MBNX_MBH5, and the feature will be transmitted to subscribed AMRs at 0600 Eastern three days in advance of the air date.  Programs have been produced for all 28 days of the month.  Here's a fact sheet which gives more detail about the 2:00 programs.To determine if your station has been permissioned (if you were permissioned last year that permission remains valid) you can check "show approved programs" under "Tools" of your User Interface (UI) software or log on to your AMR's area of our permission portal.  You may also request this program series as well as many other Amb-OS programs using the portal.  Here's a link to our "What's New" web page which gives further details about, and a link to the portal:


Family Talk Syndication Change


Sports Spectrum for January 26-27