New User Interface (UI) software to be sent 2/1/2012!

We intend to transmit an updated UI version (Rev. 017) next Wednesday, February 1st, 2012, to all satellite and Internet-connected AMR-100s.  This latest revision includes several enhancements to the system including options for extending file termination dates, extended cart-chunk data pass-thru, more robust backup and migration features, and time-shifted live program scheduling to mention a few.  The push is scheduled to occur between 1430 and 1445 Eastern time.  Existing transfer times, renames, playlists or other UI operations should NOT be affected by the new code.If your existing UI is running and is in contact with your AMR-100 at the time the update is received,  the following action(s) should  take place:

If, under the System info tab of your existing UI, the "Install it" button is selected as a response to the query "When a program update is available:" the system will suspend the current program, auto-load and then run the updated version. If "Ask me first" is selected, the update process can be delayed by up to 48 hours. If 48 hours have elapsed and the new version has not yet been accepted the system will proceed with the update.

If your existing UI is not running at the time the new code is received, the update process will commence at the next start-up of the software.Again, the update process retains all previously-entered data such as receiver IP, serial number, file re-names, transfer times/day offsets, etc.  Since any playlists that might be running at your location are stored on the AMR, they should also be unaffected by the update process.If you'd like to download the UI software ahead of 2/1/2012 and avoid any UI changes on that date here's the link to access it: you have any questions about the upcoming "push" don't hesitate to email or call our 365 X 24 X 7 helpdesk at 1.877.AMBOS2U.


Re-vamped Satellite Page Available!


Internet-only AMR-100I Manual Available